Top Skill: The Power of Saying No

Areti Vassou
Published in
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Being a woman in the tech industry was never easy. It wasn’t easy for me when I started my career back in 1993, and for sure, it’s not easy today in 2024 for women in male-dominated environments.

Making your own path in the working world, especially in spaces where you’re outnumbered or overlooked, can feel like walking a tightrope, right? It’s thrilling but oh-so-scary sometimes. I want to talk with you about something super important that can change the game for you: mastering the art of saying “no.” Especially for us women (of all ages) stepping boldly into male-dominated fields.

Here’s the thing: saying “no” isn’t just about refusing things you don’t want to do. It’s about affirming your value, time, and priorities. It’s like setting up an invisible shield around the things that matter most to you — your mental health, your personal growth, and the dreams you’re chasing.

In environments where you might feel the pressure to prove yourself or fit in, it’s easy to fall into the “yes” trap. You know, saying “yes” to every request, assignment, or extra shift, hoping it’ll earn you respect or a seat at the table. But here’s a little secret: respect comes when you respect yourself first.

When you’re clear about your limits, you teach others how to treat you. And that’s really powerful.

Saying “no” can also be your best tool for managing your time like a pro. It lets you focus on what truly matters — whether nailing a project you’re passionate about, learning a new skill, or just having a moment to breathe and enjoy a coffee without rushing. It’s about quality, not quantity.

But how do you start?

First, remember that “no” is a complete sentence. You don’t always have to justify your decisions or offer an explanation. A simple “I won’t be able to take that on” or “I have other commitments” is perfectly okay. Practice makes perfect. Start with small nos, and you’ll find it easier to set boundaries in bigger things as you get more comfortable.

And here’s some encouragement: every time you say “no” to something that doesn’t serve you, you’re saying “yes” to something that does:

Yes, to your well-being,

Yes, to your growth, and

Yes, to the incredible potential to make a mark in your field.

I know it’s not always easy. There will be moments of doubt, and that’s okay. The important thing is to stay true to yourself, your values, and your vision for your life and career. You’re not alone in this journey. There’s a whole community of us out here, rooting for you and cheering you on.

So, go ahead. Take up space. Speak your truth. And don’t be afraid to say “no.” It’s your right, and frankly, it’s your superpower.

If you feel overwhelmed, find a mentor, attend workshops, or follow the example of powerful women in your field. Seek out connections with female masterminds and learn from their ways.

The skill of setting boundaries without being too aggressive absorbs a lot of energy, I know… This workshop has helped me to feel comfortable in my skin of assertiveness. Why don’t you give it a try?

Workshop: The Power of Saying No — Tassos Kotzia, Holistic Coach

Here’s what you can look forward to after completing this workshop:

No More Guilt: You’ll walk away with new insights and hands-on strategies to take care of yourself guilt-free!

✓ Speak Up With Confidence: Get ready to learn the art of expressing your boundaries and needs with confidence and assertiveness!

✓ Bye-Bye Fear: You’ll build the mindset and grab the tools needed to wave goodbye to any fear or hesitation about saying “No.”

✓ Take the Reins: The biggest win? You’ll be empowered to steer your life in a true direction to your self-worth, paving the way for joy, fulfillment, and a beautiful balance in life.



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.