Why is it Important to Control How We Feel About the Opinion of Others?

Areti Vassou
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2024


Ever find yourself obsessing over what others think of you? It’s pretty common, but keeping a handle on it is super important. Let’s dive into why controlling how we feel about others’ opinions can really be a game changer for our happiness and self-growth.

First off, think about the freedom that comes with not being tied down by everyone’s viewpoints. When you’re less worried about pleasing others or meeting their expectations, you unlock a whole new level of personal freedom. This means you get to explore what truly makes you happy, not just what makes you look good in the eyes of others.

My morning walk in New York

Now, consider your confidence. Constantly seeking approval can really shake your self-esteem. Why? Because you’re letting someone else’s yardstick measure your worth. When you focus on feeling confident in your choices, regardless of the peanut gallery, you strengthen your self-belief and feel more secure in your skin.

Then there’s the issue of authenticity. Being true to yourself is like being the director of your own life movie. If you’re too caught up in others’ scripts, you might end up playing a role that doesn’t fit. By valuing your own opinions over others’, you ensure that your life reflects who you truly are, not what others want you to be.

Emotional health is another biggie. If your mood swings like a pendulum based on what others think, you’re handing over control of your emotions to someone else. That can be pretty exhausting and stressful. By managing how much others’ opinions affect you, you stabilize your emotional well-being.

Lastly, it’s about your relationships. Knowing when to take feedback constructively and when to brush off negative comments helps you build healthier, stronger relationships. You’ll surround yourself with people who support the real you, and not just people who like the version of you that agrees with them.

While it’s normal to care about what people think, it’s crucial not to let it overpower your own feelings and self-worth. Balancing taking feedback constructively and maintaining your own stance isn’t just freeing; it’s also a huge growth opportunity.

So, next time you worry too much about what others think, remember that your opinion of yourself matters most!

This online workshop will help you feed your confidence and calm your insecurities.

The Opinion of Others, Why Should I Care?

The Opinion of Others… and Why Should I Care?

In this online workshop, you will supercharge your power based on the following:

✓ Enhanced Self-Confidence: When we control how we feel about others’ opinions, we build our self-confidence. We trust our own judgment and abilities, leading to a stronger sense of self-worth.

✓ Authentic Living: Controlling our reactions to others’ opinions allows us to live more authentically. We make decisions based on our own values and desires rather than trying to please others or avoid criticism.

✓ Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Not letting others’ opinions dictate our feelings can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. We feel more at ease in our interactions with others, knowing that their opinions do not define us.

✓ Improved Relationships: Our relationships can improve when we control how we feel about others’ opinions. We can express our thoughts and feelings more openly and honestly, leading to deeper connections and mutual understanding.

✓ Personal Growth: Controlling our reactions to others’ opinions opens up opportunities for personal growth. We can take risks, pursue our passions, and grow in ways that align with our personal goals and values, rather than being constrained by the fear of judgment or criticism.

What Will You Gain From this Workshop

Here’s what you can look forward to after completing this workshop:

✓ No More Guilt: You’ll walk away with new insights and hands-on strategies to decide for yourself guilt-free!

✓ Speak Up With Confidence: Get ready to learn the art of expressing your opinions and needs with confidence and assertiveness!

✓ Bye-bye judgment Fear: You’ll build the mindset and grab the tools needed to wave goodbye to any fear of criticism or judgment!

✓ Take the Reins: The biggest win? You’ll be empowered to steer your life in a direction that’s true to your self-worth, paving the way for joy, fulfillment, and a beautiful, self-directed, and authentic life!

So, what are you waiting for? Book your spot today!



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing. www.ideadeco.co